Sunday, April 13, 2008

A use for all those toy swords

Had a funny little brain spark the other day!

In my never ending quest to amuse myself in a creative manner, I had a great idea for playing capture the flag with toy swords, Massive teams of like 50 on 50 fighting out in a public park...

then I thought some more about it, how about I add classes, Archers with sling shots or Nerf guns or something and medics that can heal "dead" players...

then I thought some more about it, how about I add some story element to it "Knights of the yellow cloths attempt to push out the barbarian raiders" then I realised something...


that's right, Live-Action-Role-Playing that's what I was ended up with and frankly that makes me a little uncomfortable

(check this out)

However I can see the fun in this geeky madness, the question is could I pull it off?

I think Ill end up with a half baked war reenactment meets capture the flag type game which hopefully will be allot of fun...

If I get it going that is....

Now I just have to find enough friends of mine that will admit they own toy weapons and want to use them

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