Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Back to Reality!

Well I'm not so feverish any more and I'm feeling pretty good (cant say the same for my friend though, he's still sick with the same thing that knocked me out of commission for the day)

and let me tell you, its nice to be back to reality without the weird dreams and feeling of drifting in between weakness..

I'm pretty firmly planted in this one again

So what else do I have to say?


Well, got into a funny argument on the forum I moderate about "Canadian patriotism" and it was really pissing me off how much this guy wouldn't shut up about how great and awesome Canada was!

And it got me thinking ...

One of the reasons I'm so proud to be Canadian is that were not so "In your face about it"

Like certain nations.. *COUGH COUGH* America *COUGH*

So moral of the story is, If your Canadian and your reading this, don't get stepped on, stand proud, but don't go raving about it either, Your Canadian and you don't have to try to prove anything...

and if your a Horn Touting "4Th of July everyday" kinda guy, Shut up and sit down and try listening to the rest of the world a for change..

Silence is Golden (on occasion)

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