Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Now the real project begins..

I have come to the conclusion that writing the rpg system, is merely one piece of the puzzle to making the game, I now have to make the game world.
I think writing worlds, for some people is much easier then writing stories, in a story the world comes second to characters, plot and relationships. In a game world, this is what the players do, you must simply provide them with a outlet for there actions. I have attempted to write stories many times but even before I knew I was a game designer, I was preoccupied with the concept of "the setting" or in gaming terms, "the world". My characters were always hollow shells, that for the most part were there to describe and discover how the world worked.
Interestingly, my first "world" I created was a stone age reality known as "Trome" its was a simple name that meant "tree home" it was a primitive but Utopian society that had no war, and the only real violence that took place was between its inhabitants and wild animals. Later I wanted to write a story about it, but for that I felt I needed an evil power, someone to fight besides the omnipotent forces of Gaea. I created an evil wizard, who had millions of mindless soldiers of animated armour at his disposal. In response the people of Trome, and its
neighbouring countries Mushrom, Izome and Mudlaps took up arms. I never ended up writing the story, however the mere thought of war in the world, destroyed the Utopian aspect, and effectively killed it. I revisit it now, as a mental experiment

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