Every idea starts with insperation, so lets say I watch a documentary on World War 2, suddenly and m1 garand is the coolest weapon in the world and your drooling at the concept of a ww2 miniture battle with your friend (as long as your friend saw the documntary)
Then you go over to the computer to write some ww2 rules, you type 1, 2, 3 pages and then you need a break. You turn on the TV, its the alien movie from the 80s, suddenly a flame thrower becomes the coolest weapon ever and the coolest nemisis is a drooling eyeless space monster. So what do you do? you run to the computer, you just have to write a game system for gaming an "Aliens" movie, your poor old ww2 rules never see the light of day again, that is until a rerun next july of the same ww2 documnatry floats your boat once again.
the moral of this story? finishing one thing is worth 10 times more then starting a ton of projects. You would not belive how many diffrent ideas look cool in one light, and look stupid another, a truly good idea can stand the test of time.
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